
Why massage is simply good for you

Massage is one of the most popular methods of doing something good for the body when it is unwell, tense or stressed. People have trusted the benefits of massage for centuries. In the course of time different massage near me in Portland, OR techniques developed and the areas of application became more and more extensive.

The effect of massage differs from massage technique to massage technique , whereby it not only affects the body parts and muscles that are touched, but also invigorates the entire organism and the psyche . The effects of the massage range from improving blood circulation and relaxing the muscles to relieving pain. Even stress can be relieved through massages or can be reduced through a few targeted movements. The massage can also act directly on internal organs through reflex zones.

With regard to the effect of massages, a distinction is made between local and general effects. While the local effect of the massage tends to affect the skin surface, the general effect occurs via the vegetative nervous system, which increases the overall feeling of well-being and ultimately also contributes to relaxation.

With regard to the type of massage, a distinction is made between different forms:

Direct Massage

reflective massage

erotic massage .

A distinction is made between the local and the general effect with regard to the effect of the massage. While the local effects tend to affect the skin surface, the general effects happen via the vegetative nervous system, whereby the overall feeling of well-being is increased by influencing all functional groups and systems of the body. If the treatment is limited to one part of the body, it is called a partial body massage. In a full body massage, however, several body regions are massaged differently.The massage not only offers a high relaxation and wellbeing factor, but is also used as a therapy due to its effect. While the classic massage serves the physical well-being of the client, the medical massage is generally used in conjunction with the therapy and may only be performed  by trained masseurs  .

A classic massage consists of five movements that are performed in a fixed order. In order for massages to lead to the desired success, it is important that the masseur learn this technique. Stroking certain parts of the body such as the neck area or shoulder during a massage is known as effleurage.

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