Health care
Anti aging skin care

Always choose a good anti aging skin care product
An anti aging and skin care industry with such a huge market. Millions or billions of dollars are spent annually by consumers on anti-aging skin care products, so there is a lot of money to be made. And there are plenty of big companies in the anti-aging cosmetics and beauty industry that are taking advantage of it nonetheless.
As a result, we are seeing that many of the mainstreams anti aging skin care products simply don’t work. The cosmetics and skin care industry in the United States is rather unregulated, so large cosmetics and skin care companies can market any product without first proving that it works and then even showing that it is safe for people who use it.
Not necessary. Yes, it is indeed beneficial for replenishing collagen stores, however the collagen molecules are quite large and do not penetrate the skin. So massaging can make you feel really good, but it doesn’t actually increase the collagen levels in your skin.
Another best way to boost collagen levels in your skin is to further stimulate your body to produce more collagen.
However, remember that the major cosmetic and anti-aging companies represented are selling their products. If they put collagen on the label, people buy it, and if they put it in a fancy bottle and get a handsome celebrity to add on how much younger they look using it, then it will sell even if it doesn’t help you. Even if it contains suspicious ingredients, it will sell.
Anti-aging creams have always been present for millennia, and in recent years they have grown increasingly in today’s beauty market. While some of these anti-aging creams have been tested to reduce the overall appearance of aging, no anti-aging cream can completely reverse these symptoms. If you are looking for an anti-aging cream, check out this product first to avoid buying useless creams from other manufacturers. Then it’s another step, but ultimately worth it.
Good anti-aging products
Nr powder: Protective Sandalwood Base
Indication Sandalwood base is mainly formulated to remove all traces of impurities and to strengthen the natural protective layer of the skin. Helps protect skin that is always prone to breakouts, acne, irritation and rashes. Moisturizes and protects the skin from adverse weather conditions.
Directions for use Apply morning and evening with nr powder for normal to dry skin.